When your business opens itself to video marketing, you can create videos to bring more traffic
to your social media pages. This way, you can gain more followers and share important business
information with them. If you’re looking for ways to promote your business through videos, then
check out these five ideas.

Introduce Your Business
Keep in mind that your social media pages will continue to draw new people as they find out
about it or come across it in searches. Because of this, you should create an introduction video
about your business so people can see what you offer. This way, you have a strong way to
introduce yourself to potential customers.
Your should make the introduction video of the highest quality possible. This will help people to
associate hard work and excellent quality with your business, increasing the odds of them
becoming customers. On top of that, you can show these people exactly what you want them to
know when they first come across your business.
Make sure that your introduction video is in an easy-to-access place on your social media pages.
Some sites will allow you to pin your posts, meaning that people will see them before anything
else. In essence, use your introduction video to share what you want about your business and
make it one of the first things that people will see on your page.

Share New Products
On top of this, if your business develops a new product, you can use social media as the perfect
place to share the ad. Remember that people follow your social media pages for news about your
business, so make sure that you provide information that they care about. This includes new
products that apply to your customers.
If you create an ad or explain your new product in a video, then you will want to share it on
social media. This way, people will come across it in their feed and this will encourage them to
watch the video. This way, they can see the new products that you want to provide to them so
they can decide if they want to buy those products.
Remember that these videos will stay on your page, so people can come across them if they want
to look at all of your videos. This way, you have a permanent way of advertising your new
products to people as they look through your videos. Make sure to create videos about these new
products and leave them on your social media pages.
Answer Questions
Remember that you will face reoccurring or common questions when you have an online
presence, so if you want to address those questions, you can do so through video. This way,
whenever someone asks your customer service representatives those questions, they can link the
corresponding video to provide quick and effective answers.
People appreciate it when you go through the extra effort to answer their questions as effectively
as possible. Due to this, you can use your videos as a way to answer questions and show statistics
to back up your answers. This will show people that you provide good answers and solid
information alongside it, making your business trustworthy
Show the Human Side
Remember that people like to relate with businesses and see the human side of the process.
Because of this, you should either show personal stories related to your business through your
videos. This way, people can build an emotional connection with your business.
Many times, people forget about the human side of a business because they become focused on
the entity and the products. By reminding people about those behind the business, you can build
a relationship with your customers. This way, they will want to continue supporting your
business so they can support those people.
You can show this human side by having workers, customers and leaders appear in the videos.
Have them talk directly to the camera and share their stories so that the viewer feels like the
speaker is talking directly to him or her. This will allow you to build up those relationships with
your viewers.
Inform People About Events
While most people associate videos with new products or stories, you can also use them to tell
people about events. Many businesses will hold events as a way to spread brand awareness,
make money or even give back to the community. Because of this, your business can share these
events with people through videos.
In the video, you can give people all of the information that they need, such as the day of the
event, what it will include and how they can contact your business about it. This way, you can
quickly inform people about the event and encourage them to join it.
Remember that you can use videos as an eye-catching way to quickly inform people about your
business. Since events are time sensitive, you need to draw as much attention to them as
possible, so make sure to create a video advertising your events. This will help you to spread the
message about the event to others and increase the attendance.
Video marketing gives you the perfect opportunity to quickly share information with your
customers in an easy-to-understand way. Each of these video ideas will allow you to advertise
and share your business with your customers. If you’re beginning to use video marketing on
social media, then try out some of these ideas to draw attention.